Ready for an example?

A masterclass example of online music and podcast integration

In the heart of the city, The Coffee House stands out with its exceptional brews and curated in-store sound. To enhance the modern guest experience, they've launched an app where patrons can easily order their favorite coffee and enjoy the day's best tunes, blending tradition with the digital age seamlessly.


Music playlists

Premium music, free for fans

In collaboration with Audiospace, the Coffee House has initiated a new interactive music playlist, accessible via its app. This venture not only provides high-quality music free of charge but also fosters a vibrant community, connecting customers through the universal language of music showcased in the Coffee House Playlist.



Solidifying the position as a nexus for meaningful conversations

As a hub for conversations, the Coffee House regularly organizes weekly talks, welcoming visitors to join. These conversations are meticulously recorded and transformed into podcasts, offering listeners a blend of high-quality discourse paired with premium audio content.


Audio branding

The convergence of brand identity and musical emotions

The Coffee House enhances its playlist with integrated audio branding, where seamless transitions weave music and branding elements together harmoniously. Complementing this, podcasts kick off with a concise product placement pre-roll, smoothly spotlighting promotions like the tempting Iced Cappuccino offer.



Cultivating deep fan engagement through audio-linked rewards

The Coffee House rewards loyal online listeners with digital coupons within the app, translating online listening time to in-store discounts; the longer you listen, the more you save. This ingenious approach encourages a rewarding return to the store, fostering a harmonious cycle of enjoyment and savings.


Store radio

The most scalable in-store music concept

With its bespoke playlist, the Coffee House creates a symbiotic harmony between online fan engagement and in-store ambiance. This dual-purpose initiative functions as both an online playlist for fans and an in-store soundtrack, offering a cohesive and immersive auditory experience through a unified solution.


Promotion through music

Leveraging audio as a dynamic driver in both online and offline realms

The Coffee House encourages app downloads through a dual strategy: in-store QR code promotions and social media campaigns. This tactic not only fuels online engagement with free music access but also drives foot traffic to the stores, establishing the app as a central hub that enhances the Coffee House community experience both online and offline.


Let's grab a coffee and fast-track your brand's growth with audio innovation

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Custom-branded powerhouse audio apps and web players

We specialize in creating custom-branded, high-performance audio apps and web players tailored to your brand's unique identity. Our solutions can be built as stand-alone apps or websites, or seamlessly integrated into your existing applications through our SDK. Additionally, we offer integration services for embedding our technology directly into your brand’s website.

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Transform your audio content into a dynamic sales conduit

We provide the most comprehensive suite of monetization solutions for audio. Showcase your products amidst music, distribute online coupons for your point of sale, or generate direct subscription revenue.


Content creation tailored for your brand

Utilize our creation services if crafting audio content isn't an in-house expertise for your brand. We partner with top-notch audio producers to develop musical concepts and curated playlists, craft audio branding campaigns or advertisements, and cultivate branded podcasts specifically for your brand. We're here to offer our guidance and expertise.

Expert management of music licensing processes

If your brand aspires to distribute music on its digital platforms or in stores, acquiring the correct music industry licenses is pivotal for lawful distribution. We adeptly handle these intricate licensing procedures for you, ensuring artists are rightfully remunerated when your brand amplifies their tracks.

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Frequently asked questions

Can I integrate your service into my existing app or on my website?

Absolutely, we provide a versatile SDK for apps, along with a Playbar widget or a comprehensive Play Center suited for websites. These elements are crafted to blend seamlessly within your app or website, with the added flexibility of customizing colors and fonts to align with your brand aesthetics.

Can I have standalone apps and websites for my audio project?

Certainly, we stand ready to build your app or website from the ground up, incorporating every feature you envision. This includes the seamless integration of audio functionalities, along with video or rich media articles to read. Additionally, we facilitate streamlined registration processes for your users, crafting a comprehensive and user-friendly platform.

Why isn't the brand offer available for direct purchase here?

To craft an accurate quote, we first aim to thoroughly understand your brand's unique needs. Whether it's navigating music licensing, producing engaging audio jingles, or offering proficient legal services, we're here to assist. Are you considering an SDK for streamlined integration, or envisioning a fresh, innovative app? We're keen to guide you through all the available opportunities in a dedicated personal conversation. Book a free consultation at your convenience here.

If you're already inclined to develop a new audio app with us, yet prefer to handle all content and legal matters in-house, you can choose our offer for Radio Stations or Podcasters, empowering you to embark on your project promptly."

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